Wednesday, February 20, 2008

See my pet birds

I was awfully busy last few weeks. I already have 4 Cockatiels and 8 lovebirds, thouhgt you would love a glimpse of them.

Grey and Lutino Cockatiels
This 4 cockatiels are grey and lutino, 1 pair each. So that they do not feel lonely.

Lutino and pied lovebirds
I have got 8 lovebirds. 6 of them are Lutino, no idea regarding the other two. My guess is, the blue one is from a blue mask lovebird and the other from a cross betwwen blue mask and peach faced lovebirds.

Budgie with her eggs
In the mean time, my budgeriggers are on a egglaying spree. But this one broke all the previous records. Seven eggs in a single nest? :O
awaiting for the chicks. goodnight friends.